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MarketStar’s careers and culture blog! In The Link we cover career trends and topics related specifically to MarketStar and our amazing team. All posts are written by MarketStar leaders, subject matter experts, and passionate employees who are excited about our company and their own careers. Thanks for joining us!

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First Impressions: An Insider View Part 1


andrew at work2

Starting at a new company is always a little stressful. Hundreds of unanswered questions float through your mind.

What will my team be like?
Will I like my boss?
Will I be heard, or will I be another cog in a corporate structure where the only thing the executives care about is the bottom line and the employees are just dollar signs?

All of these things are completely normal when entering a new company culture. However, MarketStar makes sure that you are heard and that you are not just another corporate pawn.

During this trying time in business, MarketStar strives to make sure that you feel cared for, even though you have never stepped foot in their beautiful headquarters. I heard about MarketStar for the very first time from a sourcer responding to a Facebook post. Nicole was eagerly browsing the different sites looking for talented people who could make a difference. I had never posted on any of these sites before, but her comments on other job seekers sites caught my attention. So, I decided to take a chance.

When I messaged Nicole, I thought that I might hear from her within the next week or so. From my time job searching during the COVID-19 pandemic, I noticed that most corporate communication was struggling. Everyone was working from home, and it was so difficult to catch anyone who would take the time to talk to someone they didn’t know. Imagine my surprise when just 15 minutes later I had a message from her in my inbox.

I had only explained my experience minimally, when she wrote back. She wanted to see my resume and wanted to get on the phone to talk with me sometime in the next couple of days! I could already tell, without ever talking to anyone at MarketStar, that this company was special. After sending my resume, we were able to set up a time a couple of days later to chat.

Over the phone, Nicole was very easy to talk to, and eager to talk to me. She made me feel like I was someone that MarketStar wanted on their team, even though they had never met me. We discussed my areas of expertise and how they could fit at MarketStar in the best way for both of us. After about 20 minutes, she had set up a time the next day for me to talk with Larry Reitbauer, a senior recruiter on the Talent Acquisition team.

Talking with Larry is an experience I will never forget. He took the time to learn as much as he could about me. He asked questions about my past jobs and education, but also about me as a person. He wanted to get to know who I was instead of just what experience I had from being a professional. After our conversation, he informed me that the role that I had seen posted and had interested me the most had already been filled and they were not looking for other candidates. However, they did have a position opening up on their Asana team. He wanted to see if I was interested and went off to talk to the managers. However, before we got off the call, he wanted to add one more thing for me.

In a recent blog post, titled, “Your Resume, Your Story,” Larry outlines how to write an effective resume. If you google professional resumes, you will get hundreds upon thousands of articles about how to write resumes to get you noticed. Larry asked me to read his article and consider rewriting part of my resume to show more of the details that we discussed on the phone. His article was extremely informative and direct. He writes, “Your resume is the opportunity to share your story. Like any good story, your resume must be clear, concise, and compelling.” In doing these three simple things, my resume showed more of who I was and what I could offer companies. Even if I had not joined the MarketStar team, he still wanted to help me in my career path.

My final step in the process was meeting and interviewing with the Asana managers. A tip to any who are wanting to work at MarketStar: do your homework. Don’t treat this opportunity as another interview at another corporation that you can sit in and talk about yourself and expect them to connect the dots on how you will fit. I researched and talked to people who have used Asana in a corporate setting and saw what worked and didn’t work for them. That knowledge helped Chantae and Tessa see that I was willing to do the work, even though I had never worked for a technology-based company before.

In my final interview, Chantae and Tessa made me feel comfortable and excited about potentially working for MarketStar. I had read the reviews, researched on Glassdoor, and followed team members on LinkedIn, but this interview showed me the real heart of MarketStar — its people. You are not just a number to them; you are a person. If you want to grow in your career, they will help you do just that. Tessa and Chantae shared some of their stories, and even though they were condensed, I could see how much this company truly cares about the people that work for them. From time off and benefits to learning and training opportunities, they truly strive to be an amazing place to work.

After that final interview, the days waiting for that call were some of the longest I’ve had. I thanked Nicole and Larry for their hard work to get my interviews set up. However, Larry called me back (after normal business hours) to tell me that they would love to have me join the MarketStar team.

My first day here was on July 20, 2020 — just five short weeks ago. This company, from before I even joined their incredible team, tried to help me reach my career goals. Nicole reached out promptly and helped me find the right people to talk to, Larry gave me tools to improve my resume without me ever even working with him, and Chantae and Tessa showed me how a company should run — by putting their employees first. I have seen this theme over and over again in my short time here, and I will continue to share my journey as a new employee in the next blog post to be published in two weeks.

The bottom line is, MarketStar is a company that cares.