Like most companies, MarketStar has made significant changes to the way we do business because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Times like this can galvanize time-tested processes, electrify leadership, and provide opportunities for everyone to rise to the challenge in ways we never thought possible. It’s a time to put our values into action, not just to keep our business running, but to keep our people safe, secure, and healthy.

Our Response to COVID-19

MarketStar Employees in Zoom MeetingWith early and intensive business continuity planning, MarketStar has moved nearly 900 Utah-based employees to a fully enabled work from home solution. We also moved our Dublin, Ireland workforce to work from home scenario in the same timeframe – bringing our total work from home workforce (including existing field reps in 27 states) to more than 1,200 dedicated people.

Job one was to build a response that provided a safe and healthy environment to keeping our people productive and focused. The second job was to build a strong response for our clients that showed we cared about their business and that we were leading during tough times, not just reacting to a news cycle. The key is to show the caring needed to calm your workforce and keep them focused on what drives our company – client performance.

MarketStar is Working from Home for Our Clients

Coronavirus Impact Infographic Preview


It begins with safety and security. It’s important to us that people are practicing social distancing, avoiding potential exposure, and staying focused on the things that matter most. Family, friends, health, and hope for brighter days just ahead.

MarketStar’s global workforce is active and productive in a fully-connected and technologically advanced work from home solution. This “new normal” has helped our teams stay focused on their own health, and on the health of our client’s business. In fact, we have seen productivity increases and a resiliency in our customers that has inspired everyone to work harder and smarter during this unprecedented time.


Stay Connected, Even When You Should Stay in Place

MarketStar's Building Exterior

Even in a full work-from-home situation, our teams are ready, able, and productive. Staying in place doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected to your customers.We can help you keep your customer relationships strong and productive, and help you emerge from this trying time better than before.

Even at home, our sales professionals are in a focused, technology-driven environment. How do we do it?

  • Dedicated and highly-connected management
  • Vibrant, productivity-focused culture
  • Best-in-class sales enablement technologies

We can help you stay connected to your customers, and help you emerge from this trying time better than before.

Let's Talk

Additional COVID-19 Related Sales Resources

How Your Sales Team Can Support Small Businesses During a Crisis

April 16th, 2020

There is a reason that the Centers for Disease Control calls COVID-19 a novel coronavirus...

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Our Top 24 Free SaaS Brands Picks

August 5, 2020

Native cloud software is here to stay, and a surprisingly large number of software as a servicefalse

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Why Brand Reputation Is So Important to Your Growth in Uncertain Times

July 15, 2020

Times of uncertainty present challenges to all of us, but they also present new opportunities.false

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