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On-Demand Delivery Services: 6 Key Steps to Customer Obsession

Key Insights

  • In today’s competitive world, customers expect immediate, transparent, and accurate delivery of their purchase

  • Customer experience has become the key to building loyalty and trust in on-demand delivery services

  • Brands can make it a reality by putting the right technology in place. This will help them to communicate efficiently and strike deeper connections with customers. 

On-demand delivery services have witnessed steady growth over the years, charting the path for innovation and success.

With the pandemic, the steady expansion gave way to a sudden explosion in demand. 

A report by IBM states that the wide-scale disruptions of the past two years have powered a shift away from stores to online shopping by close to five years. 

This sudden growth of the e-commerce ecosystem has brought sharp focus to the capabilities of on-demand delivery services. 

An on-demand delivery service can be described as a business that provides an order to a customer within hours or even minutes. Many SaaS providers have changed the way on-demand delivery works. Take DoorDash and Uber for instance. 

What these services require is hyperfocus on creating a better customer experience from the customer’s perspective. 

But before we jump into approaches that can be employed to be customer-obsessed, let’s understand why it is vital. 

Why is Customer Obsession Important?

Customer obsession is essentially a business that puts its focus on delivering the most value to its ideal customers. Connectivity is the key. So are user interfaces, customer service channels, top-down and bottom-up team communication, and customer feedback cycles. 

As customer obsession entails a consistent effort to better the buyer’s journey, your clients are more dependent on you and your brand. Consequently, they begin augmenting their frequency of purchases, and in the process, advocate your brands to more people. 

What is the Difference Between Customer Service & Customer Obsession?

Think of customer service as the individual interactions your customers have with your company. This includes the assistance they are provided with before, during, and after their purchase. 

On the other hand, customer obsession is your customer’s overall journey with your company, and how it made them feel. The overall customer experience is the foundation on which they will talk about you to people in their lives. 

Some of the most successful companies across the globe are focusing on becoming customer-obsessed brands. Take Disney for instance. 

Disney goes above and beyond to create a world-class customer experience. And it’s reflected in everything they do–from treating all guests to their parks as VIPs to cutting-edge training for their staff. 

How Do You Achieve Customer Obsession?

In most cities, on-demand delivery is now a part of everyday life, making the customer experience a critical game-changer. 

A common assumption is that the customer experience journey starts when the customer has placed the order. However, the customer starts interacting with the logistic provider much before that. 

To help you navigate the ecosystem, we have listed down steps that you can incorporate into your on-demand delivery for a better customer experience. 

Step #1. Pre-purchase Customer Experience

Your customer’s expectations begin before the order is even placed. Suggest the best possible slots to them but the flexibility of making a choice should rest with the customer. 

Automation will allow you to provide instant quotes to your users. However, it is necessary that you have those delivery times and convenient fulfillment options set up in the first place. 

Step #2. Synced-up Process

From the moment an order is placed to the time it reaches your customer’s door, your delivery process should be coordinated and digitized end-to-end. 

This will enable you to have visibility over your operations. When you have visibility across the entire last-mile flow, you are better equipped to utilize your existing resources to complete demand deliveries. 

Step #3. Discounted Delivery Services

Cart abandonment is at an all-time high. Why? Because 40% of customers will leave a shopping cart if there is no free shipping, according to the survey of European customers by Sendcloud. 

When consumers are increasingly driven to choose brands that offer discounted rates, make way for such a model in your own on-demand delivery service. 

Step #4. Third-Party Services

On-demand delivery entails the ability to meet your customer’s demand, irrespective of the time or day. You can enhance your capabilities by adding third-party delivery solutions to your existing fleet management tools. 

By doing this, you can also enhance brand awareness and sustain your customers’ satisfaction. 

Step #5. Automation

Automation during the purchasing stage is just a small facet of its potential. 

Automation must be embedded into every aspect of your on-demand delivery process to augment customer experience. 

An automated system will make the right decisions based on business rules pertaining to cost, volume, and other goals. It can also help you to determine whether the delivery should be done in-house or outsourced to third parties. 

Step #6. The Human Element 

While automation can free your teams from more repetitive tasks, it is important to remember that your customers would want a human touch to get their queries solved. 

So, you can make use of chatbots who will take care of your customers’ queries, but make sure to design the automated system in a humane way with the possibility for your customers to speak to your personnel at the end. 

The Way Ahead

On-demand delivery services are more than just offering an app to customers. 

It is about restructuring your entire last-mile delivery operations for enhanced customer experience and fast and quick fulfillment. 

With customer behavior changing, putting speed and convenience at the top of the list, customer-obsessed companies are recalibrating their model to deliver a smooth last-mile experience. 

This is the first installment in our series on Customer Obsession where we look into the benefits of having a customer-obsessed mindset and how it will help businesses understand what’s motivating their customers. 

Head over to Growth Hub at MarketStar and discover more insights. 

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Sales Outsourcing – Transforming Your Business Model for Growth

Key Takeaways

Sales is vital to a company’s survival and growth. 

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The Need for Data Accuracy for Sales and Marketing Success

Key Takeaways

  • Data is the single most valuable resource that a business can utilize to make better strategic decisions

  • The internet is responsible for producing astronomical amounts of data every day that companies can capture and analyze for better market understanding 

  • Data-driven marketing can drive better lead generation and helps personalize sales and marketing campaigns


‘Data is the new oil.’ 

The online streaming app Netflix devoted six years to developing a data analysis algorithm to launch its first show in 2013. 

To ensure its efficiency, Netflix employed two crucial elements: view preference knowledge and understanding of viewing habits. 

Amazon utilizes a data-driven AI algorithm that predicts customer demands, evaluates supply availability and optimizes its supply chain. Acquiring and analyzing big data eases the process of understanding consumer patterns, thereby augmenting internal efficiency. 

Likewise, collection and analysis of data aid in lead generation, increasing customer reach and dealing with competition. 

A data-driven approach is indispensable for making informed decisions, thus optimizing business performance. 

This blog discusses the importance of data analysis for building better sales and marketing strategies instead of relying on trial and error.

Data as a Resource

Data and its analysis are the new frontiers for competition, innovation, and revenue maximization. 

Leading entrepreneurs in every sector are now putting their focus on big data and not just minute data-oriented analysis. The power to decipher valuable sales and marketing information from collected data can help companies boost their operating margin by about 60%

Facebook aims to increase its operational efficiency by collecting about 4 million GB of data in one day.

Category of Data

Depending on the variables that trigger business interest, data can be categorized into four different groups: 

  • Demographic data collect information about groups of people according to specific attributes such as age, sex, and place of residence.

  • Technographic data measures the contribution of technology in generating positive sales opportunities. It involves examining a company’s technological stack, which includes its hardware, software, and applications.

  • Chronographic data studies the intrinsic changes businesses can undertake to find high-quality leads. It also provides information on significant changes in funding or acquisitions, etc.

  • Intent data studies customers’ buying patterns and interests to improve their purchasing experience.

  • Qualitative data can provide valuable information about a business’s working culture and customer patterns.

  • Quantitative data gathers objective information on sales, expenses, and revenue figures that helps measure the performance of specific departments. 

B2B sales and marketing teams utilize data collected from websites or 3rd party resources to make informed strategic decisions and understand changes in demand for a product or service. 

Like human or financial resources, the cost of acquiring data varies on the business model and may include tracking transaction details, online surveys, etc. 

The Importance of Data

Businesses employ data to create value. 

Data enables the collection of more detailed information on variables that define or affect the performance of sales, marketing or management segments. Here are five reasons why data collection is imperative to business growth. 

1. Transforming Lead Generation

Converting your potential prospects into customers is indeed a daunting task. 

Before businesses could realize the tremendous power of data, lead generation was facilitated by studying sales figures or mere estimation of key variables. Thanks to data analytics, lead generation for sales has undergone a complete makeover. 

Data is transforming lead generation in several ways. One of the most significant ways is through data analytics and machine learning algorithms to identify and target potential leads. 

Data helps predict behavior and buying patterns of their potential prospects through lead generation algorithms. 

Analysis of data obtained from these algorithms helps sales and marketing teams to convert leads into opportunities. Analyzing data thus helps gain more insight into customer segments and improves retention. 

Data-driven marketing techniques have assisted about 86% of business executives to obtain an increase in return on investment. 

2. Targeting the Right Customers

Creating a purchase intent for an actual product or service is crucial. But how do you understand your target customers without even launching the product? 

Data can help businesses target the right customers by providing insights into customer behavior and demographics. 

By analyzing data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographic information, businesses can identify patterns and trends that can help them understand their target market better. 

This information can then be used to create effective marketing strategies to drive sales pipeline, as well as to develop products and services that better meet the needs of their target customers. 

Additionally, data can help businesses identify new markets and opportunities by identifying untapped customer segments and identifying areas where there is a high demand for their products or services. 

3. Radical Change in Your Communication Processes 

Experts believe that a data-driven approach to communicating with potential prospects is essential to succeeding and growing sales. 

Understanding data from various channels can help sales and marketing teams identify the best times to send messages and the type of messages that can effectively hook your customers to your content. 

An effective communication strategy can boost sales by 68%. 

A common tool adopted by numerous companies for communicating directly with online traffic is a live chat or a chat-box application. 

Live chat applications can communicate directly with customers and understand their requirements. Data obtained from these applications, subscription forms, and pop-up messages transform your communication strategy. 

McDonald’s utilizes their data-driven decision logic technology to optimize operations and to communicate with their customers better. Coca-Cola uses their online brand presence to understand and identify the right customers. 

4. Analyzing the Sales Team’s Performance 

Business entrepreneurs believe that data analytics has revolutionised sales teams’ performance. Data helps you to adopt an optimistic approach to handling your sales pipeline. 

For example, a typical sales analysis system uses data to define your primary sales objectives and KPIs to create reporting systems that can upgrade your forecasting ability. 

More than 57% of sales personnel spend a significant amount of time on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications. 

Analytical CRM tools can raise productivity by 29% thus helping sales teams to meet their monthly targets. Moreover, these data highlight the potential improvement areas, so your in-house teams can work on them through training. 

5. Targeting Your Marketing & Sales Campaigns Better

Ever wondered why most websites let your browser send specific information? 

Business enterprises utilize data collected from cookies and embedded links to develop new services, improve usability, and judge the effectiveness of their sales or marketing campaigns. 

Data helps businesses to personalize content and show information or advertisements strictly based on your preferences. 

Sensitive information like browsing location, contact information, and access to audio recordings allows businesses to ease trendspotting. Data collected helps you to make content that resonates with your target customer’s lifestyle, interests, and online activity. 

These advertisements can boost brand awareness by 80% and can raise customers’ buying interest by about 155%. 

Additionally, data-driven sales and marketing strategies create huge opportunities for up-selling and cross-selling your products. You can utilize the post-sales data as valuable insights to keep your customer engaged. 

Data-driven approaches allow the board of directors to make concrete budgeting decisions. 

Analyzing data provides definite information on statistics like click-through rates, view count for online content, and acquisition costs per customer. 

Bottom Line

Analysis of post-pandemic data reveals certain anomalies in B2B customer behavior. 

An unobvious bias towards digital platforms bears testimony to the fact that 90% of businesses aim to sustain their hybrid sales structure. Tech giants are eventually aiming to transform their user experience based on data obtained from various sources. 

Disney employs machine learning models to improve customer services and commit to fraud detection and content personalization. 

Smart entrepreneurs rely on data analytics to upscale their sales prospects through value propositions. Evidently, the data analytics sector is set to create more than 11 million career prospects by 2026. 

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Closing the Customer Experience Gap: 5 Lessons for the Fashion & Retail Industry

Key Insights

  • The fashion industry is under enormous pressure to provide better shopping experiences, requiring a thorough evaluation of strategies and models to improve customer journeys efficiently and cost-effectively

  • Data and immersive technologies can pave the way for more interactive experiences and help brands pivot their business strategies

  • Closing the customer experience gap is an ongoing process, one which every business must consider for long-term success

The consumer psyche is changing rapidly.

When it comes to improving customer experience, tech companies have taken the lead, raised customer expectations of speed and convenience and streamlined the customer decision journey. 

But retail customer experience lags. Across industry, the process is far more fragmented. 

Customers often struggle to shop based on their ideas, desire, or inspirations. 

A survey by Qualtrics highlights that while 75% of consumers have high expectations for digital shopping experiences, only 63% believe that brands are delivering on them. 

Solving the many CX challenges requires brands to digitize and reassess how it would foster better customer relationships.

What is Digitization in Fashion?

Many experts feel digitization is primarily a social phenomenon, offering domains through which we can restructure our digital communications. 

Others take a more business-centric approach where digitization comes with the potential of changing the business model and providing new revenue and value-producing opportunities. 

In the case of retail customer experience, both these analogies are applicable. 

Digitization has opened new ways for consumers to interact and engage with their favorite brands. It has also enabled brands to change their ways of retail execution to adapt to the new realities as well as new restrictions.

What are the Challenges in the Retail Fashion Market?

The global fashion industry continues to be the largest industry in the B2C e-commerce market with an estimated global size of just over $750 billion (as of 2020). 

To succeed, it is incumbent for fashion retailers to close the customer experience gap by anticipating and delivering on customer preferences at every touchpoint. 

From addressing changing consumer preferences to mergers and acquisitions, there’s a lot in store for companies in the fashion and apparel industry to tackle as they move forward. 

Below, we have highlighted the top 5 CX challenges for the fashion and retail segment. 

1. Rise of D2C E-commerce

It is likely that consumers will continue shopping online in 2022 even with pandemic restrictions being eased and marketplaces reopening to normal capacity. 

For many fashion brands that have traditionally relied on their department store channel to reach out to customers, it means a change in strategy and a move towards a direct-to-consumer model. 

While e-commerce provided brands a pathway to better understand their customers’ preferences and uncover pain points, they would need to re-evaluate their sales channels and recalibrate their relationships with legacy brick-and-mortar stores.

2. Bringing in Social Values

A study by Euromonitor International highlights that more and more consumers expect brands to be purpose-driven. In simple terms, brands should support the “triple bottom line”- people, planet, and profits. 

Leading a fashion company and providing a stellar retail customer experience in a post-pandemic world requires a broader mindset to create strategies that drive environmental, charitable, and other social causes. 

Closing the customer experience gap would be incomplete without organizations capitalizing on the transparency of their socially conscious, environmentally friendly, and ethical sourcing practices.

3. Leveraging Immersive Tech

The pandemic pushed brands to engage and experiment with immersive technologies to provide customers with a physical experience they used to enjoy at stores, and in the process, close the CX gap. 

Virtual clothing, digital catwalks, and online showrooms came into play. 

Going forward, brands must maximize such opportunities. Digital technologies offer a quick route for apparel companies to create a collection and present it. 

The digital fashion campaign by Selfridges (a UK-based chain of high-end department stores) is a prime example of how immersive tech can be employed to rethink the future of fashion and retail radically. 

The campaign explores the domain through the medium of digital art, created by 3D digital fashion designer, Cat Taylor. 

4. Boosting the Buying Experience

It’s a hypercompetitive market for any sector. 

Fashion companies will need to be creative in the way they offer their goods. With the D2C model becoming more dominant, it is incumbent for this industry to develop online shopping capabilities and use AR and VR in more ways. 

Additionally, brands must look at leveraging digital transformation solutions for processes such as delivery and returns for better speed and accuracy. 

Adding to their arsenal will be social media. 

Brands that don’t capitalize on it would be left behind in striking long-lasting customer relationships and building brand loyalty. 

5. Overcoming the After Sales Barrier

A macro-challenge for fashion companies to address to enhance retail customer experience is the after-sales process. 

Organizations need to facilitate smooth exchange and return processes as well as institute open communication policies if they want to build better relationships with customers. 

This is where conversational commerce comes into play. While born with the primary objective of stimulating sales, it is not restricted to that role. 

How Do You Improve Customer Experience (CX) in Fashion and Retail?

While the pandemic disrupted the industry, forcing sales to drop to zero in months, there is a positive side to look forward to. 

The challenging period has also offered a learning curve to the sector to understand how to employ technology and maximize benefits from the minimum. 

We have listed five strategic steps that the industry should take to close the customer experience gap. 

Step #1. Make Way for a Stronger Foundation

It is time to simplify processes and consolidate your core systems to improve customer experience and achieve success in today’s digital competitive marketplace. 

Your first step is to eliminate data fragmentation and duplication to create efficiency and deliver real-time information. 

Take a one-system approach by putting your back-end Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and order & inventory systems into one platform. 

Step #2. Build Your Digital Platform

Now that your foundation is in place, you can seamlessly connect more modern channels with any part of your business. Unified with your back-end systems, an e-commerce platform will serve as the base for your digital platform. 

With instant access to inventory, you will provide accurate inventory levels to shoppers while delivering relevant cross-sell and upsell merchandising offers. 

Step #3. Make Use of Data-Driven Insights 

You cannot manage if you don’t measure it. 

Fashion and retail companies that have integrated data into their planning, merchandising, and supply chain processes are not only witnessing tangible results but are also closing the customer experience gap. 

In fact, data-driven strategies for stock and sales optimization led to a 10% increase in sales, according to McKinsey research. The same study highlights how data-centric models have streamlined inventory management, improved returns forecasting, and optimized transport networks. 

Step #4. Extend Your Digital Capabilities to the Store and Beyond 

Your e-commerce platform, which is now tied to your back-end systems, will also unify your online and offline channels by supporting a modern Point of Sale (POS) system. 

This essentially means that your customer journeys can easily transition between online and offline platforms. Sales associates can quickly leverage inventory and product data for an enhanced in-store experience. 

Other channels, such as pop-up stores, catalogs, and call centers, will also seamlessly connect with your back-end systems, allowing your shoppers to truly buy from any touchpoint. 

Step #5. Personalize It

A survey by Twilio Segment highlights that only 60% of consumers find their retail shopping experience to be personalized. 

While e-commerce does offer a way ahead for brands to customize their customer journeys, such strategies usually focus on improving the shopper’s current visit. 

But technological innovation is giving a whole new dimension to personalization. Retailers can utilize a customer’s current shopping behavior to generate profiles, complete with their brand affinities, to point towards their future purchasing habits. 

Putting Customers at the Center

Customer behavior and preferences keep evolving, but the pandemic has created a revolutionary change in their purchasing habits.

Convenience takes the top spot on the list. In fact, 73% of customers are ready to spend a premium on convenience, according to Deloitte’s Global State of Consumer Tracker.

While the tide of digital innovation does not mean the permanent closure of in-store experiences, it does require brands to focus on building customer-centric strategies for a more immersive omnichannel approach. 

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The Importance of Design Thinking in Sales Post-Pandemic

Key Takeaways

  • Design thinking in sales prioritizes the needs and perspectives of customers, enabling businesses to differentiate themselves from the competition and improve customer engagement.

  • The pandemic has disrupted sales across industries, leading businesses to shift to online sales and explore new sales growth strategies such as gamification, social media marketing, and subscription models. 

  • Incorporating design thinking principles can help businesses redesign customer experience and empathize with customers.


‘A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.’

Tagged by many as the most difficult achievement in business operations, customer satisfaction measures the utility derived from the consumption of goods and services. However, experts believe offering quality products or excellent customer service is not enough.

In addition, the pandemic has had a significant effect on the sales process across industries. Businesses have observed radical shifts to online sales, disruptions in supply chains and changes in consumer behavior owing to social distancing measures and financial instability.

At this critical juncture, businesses are more inclined to incorporate design thinking principles such as redesigning customer experience, fostering collaboration and empathizing with customers. This article highlights the multi-faceted nature of design thinking in sales and how it prioritizes the needs and perspectives of customers post-pandemic.

Understanding Design Thinking in Sales Processes

Since 1970s, design thinking has been a customer-centric approach to maximize customer satisfaction through understanding the needs and desires of customers, generating ideas, prototyping, and testing. 

In sales, design thinking involves

  • using empathy to understand the customer’s perspective

  • developing creative solutions to their problems

  • continuously refining the sales strategy 

5 Core Design Thinking Stages

Design thinking focuses on understanding the needs and perspectives of the end-users to develop innovative solutions that meet their needs. The process of design thinking is divided into five core stages. 

  • Empathize: The first stage of the design thinking process is to empathize with the end-users. This involves understanding their needs, desires, and pain points. The goal is to develop a deep understanding of the end-users' perspectives to create solutions that meet their needs. This stage involves conducting interviews, surveys, and observations to gather end-user data. 

  • Define: The second stage of the design thinking process is to define the problem. This involves synthesizing the data gathered in the empathize stage to identify the core problem that needs to be solved. The goal is to define the problem in an actionable and relevant way to the end-users. 

  • Ideate: The third stage of the design thinking process is to ideate solutions. This involves generating a wide range of ideas without judgment. The goal is to encourage creativity and innovation in the development of potential solutions. This stage involves brainstorming sessions, mind maps, and other ideation techniques to generate diverse ideas. 

  • Prototype: The fourth stage of the design thinking process is to create prototypes of the potential solutions. This involves creating low-fidelity prototypes that can be quickly and easily tested with end-users. The goal is to gather feedback on the potential solutions to identify areas of improvement. This stage involves creating physical or digital prototypes that can be tested and refined. 

  • Test: The final stage of the design thinking process is to test the prototypes with end-users. This involves gathering feedback on the effectiveness of the potential solutions. The goal is to identify any areas of improvement and refine the solutions based on the feedback received. This stage involves conducting user testing and incorporating feedback into the design process. 

LinkedIn reports that design thinking methodology is not restricted to large businesses alone. Small businesses reportedly saw a 17.5% rise in average sales when they invested in design.  

Empathy, agility and a customer-centric approach are the basic postulates of design thinking for sales teams across industries. 

Here is why you should be design-conscious: 

  • Customer-centric approach: Design thinking in sales centers around the customer, enabling sales teams to empathize with their needs and motivations, and tailor solutions that best meet their requirements. 

  • Improved collaboration: Design thinking fosters cross-functional collaboration and communication among team members, promoting the sharing of diverse perspectives and ideas, and breaking down silos.

  • Better outcomes: Design thinking in sales leads to better outcomes such as increased customer satisfaction, higher conversion rates, and improved sales growth. Design thinking skills are expected to drive adaptive selling behavior in salespeople, as the approach involves customizing offerings to match customer needs. Additionally, the human-oriented nature of design thinking skills is likely to foster collaboration behavior, strengthening the relationship between salespeople and customers.

How Can Design Thinking in Sales Cushion the Effects of the Pandemic?

Design thinking can be a powerful tool for sales teams to respond to the challenges posed by the pandemic. By using a customer-centric approach, sales teams can better understand the changing needs of their customers and develop new sales strategies tailored to those needs.

Here are three ways sales teams can apply design thinking to cushion the effects of the pandemic.

  • Developing New Sales Channels

The pandemic has changed the way people shop and interact with businesses. Sales teams have had to adapt to this change by developing new sales channels catering to customers’ needs. By using design thinking, sales teams can identify theircustomers’ pain points and develop new sales channels that meet those needs. For example, many businesses have shifted to e-commerce to cater to customers who prefer to shop online. By leveraging design thinking principles, sales teams can develop new sales channels that are efficient, customer-friendly, and meet the needs of customers in the pandemic.

  • Reimagining the Sales Process

The pandemic has disrupted the traditional sales process, making face-to-face meetings less common. To adapt to this change, sales teams have had to reimagine the sales process. By using design thinking, sales teams can develop new sales processes that are more digital, flexible, and customer centric. This can involve using video conferencing tools, developing personalized sales pitches, and using customer feedback to refine the sales process. By putting the customer at the center of the sales process, sales teams can improve their chances of closing deals in the pandemic.

  • Building Resilience

The pandemic has created uncertainty and disrupted the normal course of business for many organizations. Sales teams have had to build resilience to adapt to these changing conditions. By using design thinking, sales teams can develop a mindset of innovation and problem-solving. This involves being open to new ideas, experimenting with different sales strategies, and learning from failures. By adopting a mindset of resilience and continuous improvement, sales teams can cushion the effects of the pandemic and emerge stronger in the long run. 

What Does It Mean for the Customers?

In a post-pandemic world, organizations must comprehend their customers’ shifting needs, particularly considering the remote working paradigm. With complex B2B sales strategies now transpiring in home offices, sales representatives face new challenges that can sidetrack and distract them from understanding their customers’ requirements. This can result in the following:

  • Improved Customer Experience: Design thinking in sales can result in a more personalized and engaging customer experience. Sales teams can use customer feedback and insights to develop new products and services that better meet their needs. Based on consumer behavior, customers are generally willing to pay a price premium of up to 13% (and potentially as high as 18%) for luxury products and services when they receive exceptional customer experiences. 

  • Greater Relevance: Design thinking can help sales teams stay relevant in a rapidly changing market. By continuously adapting and innovating, sales teams can better respond to the evolving needs of customers and offer products and services that are more meaningful and valuable.

  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty: By focusing on the needs and preferences of their customers, sales teams can build stronger relationships and foster greater loyalty. Over 85% of customers expect proactive communication and outreach from businesses. Customers are more likely to return to businesses that understand their needs and are willing to go the extra mile to meet them.

Generating New Ideas for Products and Services Using Design Thinking

75% of organizations apply design thinking methodology in their processes to generate new and innovative ideas for their products and services that are aligned with their customer needs and preferences.   

Businesses can generate new ideas for products and services that meet customer needs in design thinking sales through the following ways: 

Empathy Mapping

Empathy mapping is a powerful tool that can help sales teams develop new ideas for products and services that meet customer needs in design thinking sales. The Nielsen Norman Group suggest that by understanding the needs and preferences of customers through empathy mapping, sales teams can generate new ideas for products and services that are more relevant, valuable, and engaging. 

Empathy mapping can help sales teams identify the pain points of customers or the challenges and frustrations they face when using a product or service. Using this information, sales teams can develop new products and services that address these issues and offer solutions that better meet the needs of customers.

Brainstorming Sessions 

Brainstorming sessions are another effective means to generate new ideas for products and services that meet customer needs in design thinking sales. These sessions encourage creativity and free thinking, allowing sales teams to explore new and innovative ideas for products and services. 

Businesses can generate new ideas through group brainstorming sessions by encouraging creativity, diverse perspectives, and open communication. This can be done in cross-functional teams with individuals from different departments. 

Brainstorming sessions involve a collaborative approach, where sales team members can share their perspectives and ideas. This can lead to a diversity of thought and result in a more comprehensive and effective solution for customers. 

Prototyping and User Testing

Prototyping and testing solutions can aid in developing customer-centric designs in a sales process that caters to customers’ evolving needs in a dynamic market landscape. Such solutions allow companies to measure design success in real-time by garnering customer feedback within and outside the organization. 

Prototyping should be conducted in stages, commencing with low-fidelity prototypes used to gather feedback from users and stakeholders. As solutions are refined, higher-functioning and better-designed prototypes can be created for further testing in a realistic production environment.  

Prototyping ideas in this manner enables the design team to create and redefine marketing and sales operations that address customers’ evolving needs in a dynamic market landscape. In the long run, it facilitates the development of user-centric designs that drive business growth and success. Vox Media has outlined its design prototyping method that discusses remote user research methodologies. 

Testing is an integral component that runs parallel to prototyping. Prototyping and testing operate in a continuous cycle where a prototype is created, tested, refined, and tested again until the project is ready to deploy.  

Testing a smart application for an established company may require a more comprehensive testing process that involves the participation of current customers and includes user interviews and other rigorous evaluation methods. 

Instances To Show How Design Thinking in Sales Help Businesses

Empathizing with children’s pain points in terms of undergoing MRI treatments, GE Healthcare introduced the ‘Adventure Series’ as part of their patent design thinking project aimed at redesigning MRI with a creative solution. They successfully replaced the dark MRI rooms with flickering fluorescent lights with imagery of pirate ships and the ocean. It helped boost patient satisfaction by 90% and improved scan quality.  

In 2016, Netflix continued improving its user experience by incorporating short trailers into its interface, responding to customers’ needs and using design thinking principles to drive innovation. 

Airbnb invested in high-quality cameras and took photos of every room, highlighting special features like hot tubs and pools and showcasing the surrounding neighbourhoods. As a result, Airbnb’s revenue doubled in just one week, demonstrating the power of design thinking to drive business success. 

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the post-pandemic era has highlighted the importance of design thinking in sales. Adopting a human-centered approach to innovation and problem-solving can lead to relevant and innovative products and services that meet customers’ evolving needs. 

Sales professionals should embrace a design-thinking mindset to drive business success in the current and future markets. Thus, it is imperative to prioritize people and empathy in sales operations and design solutions that truly speak to customers’ needs.

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The Importance of Choosing Pipeline Management Over Forecasting Explained

Key Takeaways

  • Pipeline management and sales forecasting are often confused – they’re closely related, but not the same.

  • Sales pipeline management is about changing today’s activities, whereas forecasting focuses on predicting future results.

  • Accurate pipeline management can help drive both short-term and long-term forecasting.

Sales pipeline management and forecasting are two terms that are commonly thrown around interchangeably in a sales force. They are significant to any business, and most companies invest big in the latest tools and technologies to manage these two activities.

However, pipeline management outshines forecasting when it comes to business growth.

Before we find out the top reasons why organizations should focus on pipeline management, not the forecast, let’s discuss the difference between them.

Pipeline Management vs Forecasting: The Difference

Sales pipeline management is tracking and managing incoming sales leads across the different stages of the leads’ journey until the deal is closed.

Forecasting, on the other hand, is the act of predicting future business activity/outcome. It is based upon specific assumptions, such as a defined sales strategy or targeted prospects.

The Importance of Focusing on Pipeline Management

Your sales team has the potential to double the current revenue they are currently generating. 

All you need to do is ask your sales managers to hold an additional meeting focused on pipeline management along with their regular data scrubbing meetings. This helps the sales team members evaluate the leads in their pipeline, retain the good deals, and release the bad ones.

Here are the top 5 reasons why it is important to focus on pipeline management and not forecasting:

1. Enables You to Know Your True Opportunities

Pipeline management encourages better conversations between your sales manager and sales reps.

Your sales force can go through the pipeline and understand what opportunities came in new, what left the process, and what opportunities are where in the process stages. This will enable your team to better understand the sales reps’ activities and ensure the right actions are performed to close deals.

2. Calculate Metrics Easily

It is easy to calculate metrics such as sales closing ratio, cycle length, etc. if you have an effective sales pipeline which is being tracked and managed with a defined set of steps.

The data thus collected will help your organization understand the current quarter’s closures and foresee future quarters, helping you make better business decisions.

3. Build an Accurate Forecast

With pipeline management, you can easily and accurately forecast the lead conversion probabilities based on current and past data.

Pipeline forecasting is a comprehensive approach to revenue forecasting that considers every factor of each potential deal. Sales pipeline forecasting calculates a deal’s probability, based do how long it has been in the sales pipeline compared to an average sales cycle.

Not only does this help predict future sales, but also helps improve pricing, marketing strategies, and product development. 

4. Nurture Leads

Using information gathered from a sales pipeline, it is considerably simpler to guide potential clients through the various stages of closing a deal.

A sales representative has greater freedom to create more tailored interactions with leads based on their requirements, wants, and interests when they have information about them. The bonus is that sales representatives can establish rapport more easily.

5. Provides Marketing Direction

Most organizations are implementing automation processes to keep their contacts warm until they become active leads and to keep existing customers engaged by providing customer success and upsell opportunities – this will help the sales teams actively work the prospects in the pipeline. 

Wrapping Up

Managing a pipeline is not as difficult as you imagine.

It can be a cost-effective and profitable business strategy. Some businesses rely on a healthy pipeline to succeed, expand their revenue and attract more customers.

Therefore, follow these best practices to build a robust sales pipeline and ensure it is in the finest shape if you want your company to triumph when it comes to outselling rivals in the sales game. 

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