With more companies looking to create recurring revenue models based on subscription sales, the impact of customer churn is higher than ever. The only way that a recurring revenue business model becomes sustainable is if you have happy customers who continue to buy what you have to sell. What we have learned is that having a Customer Success team as part of MarketStar’s Sales as a ServiceⓇ offering is essential to reducing customer churn.
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Ingredients of a Successful Foundation
on March 25, 2020
| By Ian White, Senior Content Manager
Being Successful,
Solid Fundamentals,
Continued Growth,
Promote Growth,
Here is a fun metaphor, “My business is my baby.”
Throughout my years working alongside SMB marketing strategists as a sales funnel architect, I heard this metaphor more times than I could count. Additionally, as a touring musician between 2013 and 2017, the same metaphor was heard again, but in different context, “My guitar/bass is my baby.” For years, I assumed I fully understood the message this metaphor implied, but after becoming a parent, I finally get it. Businesses are indeed like children. They are brought into this world without the knowledge of where they want to go or how to get there, but like unto children, with a proper foundation to build upon, they can grow and become successful.
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