
Arup Chakravarti: Equip Your Sales Teams for Times of Economic Change and Uncertainty

Written by MarketStar Staff | Mar 30, 2023 7:14:00 AM

Arup Chakravarti, Director of Sales Excellence, Equifax, along with host Joy Dumandan, discuss the strategies for equipping sales teams to navigate through difficult economic times. This informative episode gives sales leaders the insights they need to identify new sales opportunities in a challenging economic environment and adapt their sales strategies to meet the needs of a changing market.


Highlights of the Interview

Have a Customer Retention Strategy in Place 

To retain your existing customers, you need to build strong relationships with customers, personalize the customer experience, identify areas of improvement, and provide value-added services/products. This helps sales organizations maintain a steady revenue stream and avoid the costly and time-consuming process of constantly acquiring new customers.

Get Sales Enablement Strategy Right

A well-designed sales enablement strategy can help organizations to improve sales productivity, increase revenue, and improve customer satisfaction. It should align with the overall business objectives and be tailored to the specific needs of the sales organization.

Adapting to the New Normal

Major shifts in the Go-to-Market strategy can be attributed to a variety of factors such as advancements in technology, shifts in consumer behavior, and changes in the economic and business landscape. Another trend is that there has been a greater emphasis on data-driven decision making, with companies using analytics and customer insights to inform their marketing strategies.

Define Your Sales Enablement Strategy with Precision

Training, content, sales tools and tech capabilities are going to be a core part in developing an effective sales enablement strategy. Having a clear sales enablement strategy will help the sales team to be more effective, efficient and consistent in their approach, resulting in increased revenue and improved customer satisfaction.