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George Sadler: What Account-Based Experience Is All About

Our host Jessica Ly sits down with George Sadler, Senior Director of Marketing Analytics at Adobe. George talks about the concept of account-based experience (ABX) and how it differs from account-based management (ABM). He further explains how ABX helps marketers engage and nurture customers.

Highlights of the Interview


ABM is not well understood outside the marketing function and is seen primarily as marketing’s responsibility, especially in B2B. In contrast, Account-based experience (ABX) is more holistic and focuses on every interaction with a customer. It serves as a structure for creating a customer-intelligent business, fostering deeper understanding throughout the entire customer journey.

How ABX Engages Customers
As customers engage with your marketing material, they are telling you that they are interested. By capturing and interpreting this interest, you gain valuable insights into their needs, enabling you to tailor subsequent interactions more effectively. ABX takes the ABM approach a step further by using this method in every interaction.


Nurturing Your Customers
Organizations have to evolve from hunting to nurturing, especially when dealing with large accounts. Marketing and sales cannot function as separate channels; they need to take an integrated approach to nurture accounts. Both teams must consider the broader ecosystem and the organization as a whole.



Adobe is the global leader in digital media and digital marketing solutions. Their company's creative, marketing, and document solutions empower everyone – from emerging artists to global brands – to bring digital creations to life and deliver immersive, compelling experiences to the right person at the right moment for the best results. In short, Adobe is everywhere, and they aim to change the world through digital experiences.


Software Development


San Jose, CA

George Sadler: What account-based experience is all about