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State of Event Marketing 2019: Challenges in Planning, Implementing, and Maximizing ROI


Mastering Event Marketing: Planning, Implementing, and Maximizing ROI

In an era where digital interactions are prevalent, the value of face-to-face engagements through business events remains unparalleled. Events offer a unique platform for businesses to enhance brand awareness, generate leads, and engage directly with their audience.

This report delves into the intricacies of event marketing, uncovering the challenges, strategies, and outcomes from businesses worldwide. By understanding these dynamics, companies can better plan, implement, and measure the success of their events and ensure significant ROI.

Key Insights:

  • Improving customer engagement (75%) and generating new leads (62%) are top motives for hosting events.

  • Email (94%), social media (85%), and the company website (81%) are the primary channels for event promotion.

  • Product videos and brochures (77%) are the most popular tools for engaging event attendees.

  • Post-event, 79% of organizations rely on their sales teams to engage with attendees, while 70% send marketing collaterals.

  • Measuring ROI (66%) is the biggest challenge faced by organizations when hosting events.

Discover how to elevate your event marketing strategy and maximize ROI. Download the "State of Event Marketing 2019" report now to access comprehensive insights and actionable strategies. Don't miss out—get your copy today!

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