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Growth Hub

Empowering Learning, Leadership, and Creative Classrooms with Support from the MarketStar Foundation

As the school year comes to a close, the MarketStar Foundation celebrates the impact of our expanding education programs in neighborhood schools near MarketStar’s Ogden, Utah Headquarters. Our education programs and partnerships aim to inspire and expand educational experiences at all levels. 

Together we created growth by:

  • Partnering with school foundations to provide $20,000 in programs that focus on fueling student success with creative classroom supplies

  • Providing experiential learning experiences to promote positive school culture for 75 student change-makers at Ogden High School

  • Empowering schools and teachers with resources to advance leadership development across eighteen elementary schools

  • Creating industry work-based learning experiences for 23 high school students through our Tech Sales Pathway program

Ogden High School

Promoting Positive School Culture with Experiential Learning

The MarketStar Foundation partnered with Ogden High School to provide an all-day culture and leadership development learning experience in a school forum entitled, “Speak Out Summit.” The experience was facilitated by a teacher who works actively with school districts to bring empathy and awareness through experiential learning to increase connection and unity in the school culture.

The "Speak Out Summit" provided a diverse group of 75 students, faculty, and staff with experiential learning exercises and facilitated discussions to teach students how to positively impact school culture by demonstrating and practicing the skills needed to be agents for change. The activities focused on how to build trust, understanding of differences, growth through collaboration, and the importance of follow-through.

Leader in Me Farr West

Leadership Development in Elementary Schools 

In partnership with the Weber School District and the Dell Loy Hansen Family Foundation, the MarketStar Foundation celebrates the second year of growth for elementary schools and students who implemented the Leader in Me integrated approach to education. Our partnership provided the resources needed to hire a LIM Coordinator to lead program recruitment, ensure implementation success, and train, coach, and support the eighteen schools that have implemented the program.

The LIM framework empowers education with the effective practices and tools needed to:

  • Teach LEADERSHIP to every student
  • Create a CULTURE of student empowerment
  • Align systems to drive results in ACADEMICS

Key progress milestones and celebrations include:

  • Thirty-six new teachers were trained in the 7-Habits

  • 100% of the 18 LIM schools were supported, with an average of thirty-five touchpoints

  • All first-year schools made one or more complete years of growth in the program

  • Eighty-nine percent of schools demonstrated growth through a progression of training

  • Four new schools committed to adding the LIM program

  • Due to the program's success, the LIM curriculum is considered the leading social-emotional learning curriculum across the district


About the MarketStar Foundation

The MarketStar Foundation represents our commitment to create growth that strengthens our communities. Built on our MarketStar tradition of doing good, the big-hearted work of the foundation connects the hearts and hands of our people with company resources to expand educational opportunities, empower self-reliance, and build better communities where we live and work. Learn more about the MarketStar Foundation.

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